11 Simple Blog SEO Hacks to Boost Your Traffic
If you're trying to figure out what blog SEO is and how to master it, you're in the right place. Search engine optimization (SEO) doesn't have to be confusing. In fact, SEO techniques can become a natural part of your blog writing and help you reach your target audience and increase conversions.
In this article, I’ll discuss simple SEO hacks you can use for your website, specifically your blog. I’ve used these exact tips to rank on Google Page 1 countless times! I’ll also share a helpful video and answer some common questions about SEO.
What is SEO?
SEO is a process of creating content that ranks on search engines. Using SEO techniques shows Google your content is valuable and worth showing to your target audience.
Will your content land on the first page of Google and get tons of traffic? Or will it get lost on page 6 of Google? SEO will determine this.
Keep reading for the best SEO hacks I've discovered after years of writing website content. It's important to note that SEO changes over time in terms of what Google looks for. However, the following tips and tricks are the important basics that stay the same.
This video gives a quick rundown:
This informative video gets straight to the point on some basics of SEO.
The importance of blog SEO
Whether you’re blogging as a primary source of income or you want to add a blog to your business website, blog SEO can help you reach more people, raise brand awareness, and meet sales goals.
If your blog is optimized well for SEO, Google will make it visible. When people search for keywords in Google, the goal is that they’ll see your content right away. Then, they'll head to your site and check you out before your competitors can get to them!
Related read: SEO Basics for Your Website: Search Engine Optimization in Simple Terms
On-page SEO vs. off-page SEO
Before we get to the best blog SEO hacks, let’s look at what on-page vs. off-page SEO is.
Simply put, on–page SEO takes place on your website, and off-page happens further away from your website.
On-page SEO
When optimizing your on-page SEO, we’re talking about all the things you have control over when you’re adding content to your website. And this is what my blog SEO hacks below refer to.
These factors control your on-page SEO:
Keywords: terms people are searching the internet for
Meta descriptions: snippet shown on search engines
Internal linking: links in your content to other pages on your website
Headers: h1, h2, and h3 headers that help structure your content
Content: relevant, high-quality, and easy-to-read content
Image alt text: attribute added to a picture where you should include your main keyword
Off-page SEO
Google also looks at your off-page SEO to determine if your content is ‘rank-worthy.’ Usually, off-page SEO happens over time as you work on your on-page SEO techniques.
Off-page SEO includes:
Backlinks: links on someone else’s website that direct people to your page
Domain authority: a metric that shows Google you have a high-quality website, and it’s based on things like backlinks and the age of your domain
Social shares: social media posts that bring traffic directly to your website
11 best blog SEO hacks for beginners
There was a time I didn’t think I would make it as a copywriter because I just didn’t understand SEO. But a lot has changed over the years. Now I’ve written hundreds of SEO blog articles and can almost do it in my sleep.
Here are the simple blog SEO hacks I follow that have landed many of my articles on page 1 – even #1 – on Google.
This blog article I wrote continues to rank high on Google after I followed these SEO tips.
Create a 50-60 character title.
If you do a Google search, you'll notice that up to 60 characters are usually displayed in the title. If your title is too long, it’ll be cut off. If you use at least 50 of the characters, you have space to give readers a good idea of what they're going to read about.
If you see the following headlines, which are you more likely to click on?
Blog SEO
11 Simple Blog SEO Hacks to Boost Your Traffic Traffic
Probably the second one. It gives me more information and evokes feelings. Who doesn’t feel relieved and excited to do something that’ll be simple? Sharethrough Headline Analyzer is an excellent tool to score your headlines.
Do keyword research.
Keyword research is crucial when it comes to boosting blog traffic. You need to know what terms your audience is searching for and how competitive the keywords are. Typically, you'll use one primary keyword phrase in your content and sprinkle secondary keywords into your content a few times.
There are many resources for finding SEO keywords. Here are a few of my favorites:
Keysearch (my favorite!)
Search for SEO keywords on Keysearch.
Use keywords appropriately.
Google is smart. If you write a blog article with your SEO keywords all over the place and some other random content thrown in there, it won't rank.
Use keywords with intention. Here’s how:
Don't overstuff keywords. Keyword density is essential. A good rule of thumb is to use your primary keyword phrase 1-2 times per every 100 words or 1-2%.
Incorporate keywords in headings. Use your keyword in your H1 (title), of course. Also, use it in some h2-h4 headings. Keep in mind not to overstuff and use it in every single header.
Use keywords in your meta description. A meta description is a short paragraph that summarizes your blog, shown on the SERP (search engine results page).
Include keywords in your alt text. Again, your alt text describes images. Naturally, include your keyword in some of your alt text.
Write long-form and short-form posts.
A common question in the world of blogging is how long a post should be. Google hasn't made any official announcements, but it's common for articles that rank to be long-form. This means they're more than 1,000 words.
However, short-form posts are also beneficial. You can still incorporate other blog SEO hacks and have them land high in search results.
It's also best to post content regularly. So a brief article that's engaging, informative, and meaningful is okay. Just make sure it's high-quality content! This is an excellent way to keep your dedicated audience in the loop.
Tip: Google your target keyword, and use wordcounter.net to see how many words are in the top 3 ranking articles. Then, use this number to guide you in your article.
Make your content reader-friendly.
Readability should be a top priority when creating blog content.
Most people are looking for content they can skim. If your content isn’t easy to read and skimmable, there’s a good chance your audience won’t stick around to read your article.
Here’s how you can create reader-friendly content:
Add visuals.
Use a dark-colored blog font that’s at least 18px.
Keep paragraphs short (1-3 sentences).
Write short, concise sentences.
Incorporate lists.
Include internal linking.
Linking to your website’s existing links should be on every SEO blog article. This means you're incorporating links in your text that will take readers to related content on your site. Not only does doing this benefit your reader, but it also helps Google manage your content.
Optimize photos.
Many people don't realize how important this one is, but it's crucial. Optimizing your pictures can make or break your SEO. Add alt text to photos and incorporate your keywords.
Again, don't overdo this. Make sure it's relevant to the picture.
Compressing your photos is also essential because large file sizes slow your website down. TinyPNG is a free site that lets you reduce file sizes.
Tip: Boost your SEO by using your keyword in your file names.
Check your website speed.
As just mentioned, speed is a big deal. In a rushed world, people don’t want to wait for your content to load.
Reports show website load time should be under 2 seconds. PageSpeed Insights will tell you how fast your site loads for mobile and desktop devices, then suggest changes you can make.
Push content to social media.
One of the easiest blog SEO hacks is having readers share your blog articles. So, incorporate share buttons! One share can turn into another, which allows more people to see your content.
Pro tip: Include Pinterest as one of your share buttons. Pinterest is a gold mine for blogs!
One of the easiest blog SEO hacks is allowing your readers to share your content.
Provide a clear call to action.
A call to action (CTA) tells your reader what to do next and is usually a link that directs them to the right place.
You can include 2-3 calls to action throughout your post and make sure they’re relevant to your content.
Some examples of a call-to-action:
If you’re ready to [X], check out our [X product].
Want help with [X service]? Contact us here!
Read more about [X] here.
Write guest blogs.
Writing guest blogs gets your name out there and can help you build backlinks to your site. Remember, this helps with off-page SEO. It can also help increase your website traffic.
There’s a lot to understand about blog SEO, I know! Here are answers to some common questions to help you.
Is a blog good for SEO?
A blog is one of the best ways to boost your SEO. Search engine optimization is all about people finding your website. The more content you have, the better your SEO.
Blogs are also an excellent way to keep people on your website. When users stay on your site longer, this shows Google your page is rank-worthy.
The more blog posts you have, the more people you'll reach. Use those blog posts to teach your readers about your services or products, help solve a problem, and connect with them.
What are SEO keywords?
SEO keywords are words or phrases that people search for on the internet.
Think of something you've searched for recently on Google, like 'affordable vacation destinations' or 'blog SEO.' The first few web pages you see on Google when you search for your phrase have great SEO.
SEO keywords are just the beginning of optimization, but they are a crucial component. Use one of the tools above to help you with keyword research. If you aren't sure where to start, put yourself in your ideal audience's shoes and ask yourself what you would want to know more about if you were them.
How long should blog posts be for SEO?
Google usually prefers long-form content, so aim to write blog articles of at least 1,500 words. That said, blog article length varies, and quality is more important than quantity.
Remember, you can look at the top-ranking articles for your target keyword phrase to help you decide the best word count for a specific article.
Related read: How Long Should a Blog Post Be? Statistics & Helpful Tips
How can I improve SEO?
There are several ways to improve your SEO, including a catchy title, readability, and images.
Here’s how you can improve your blog SEO:
Create a catchy title with your primary keyword that tells the reader what the article is about.
Clarify exactly what the article is about in your meta description (shown on Google), and use your primary keyword.
Look at what your competition shares on that topic and create even better content!
Use internal links (links to other pages on your website).
Optimize photos by reducing the file size and adding an alt tag with your keyword.
Write relevant content that’s easy-to-read and skim.
Provide a call to action at the end of your article.
Update your blog regularly.
Pin & save for later!
Is SEO easy to learn?
Most people don’t understand SEO right away. It takes time and practice. That said, anyone can learn it and feel confident over time. For a better understanding of your website SEO, consider booking a website consultation.
Final Thoughts on Blog SEO
Blog SEO doesn't have to be overwhelming. Understanding and following these blog SEO hacks will boost your traffic and conversion.
If SEO isn't your thing and you want to focus on other parts of your business, that’s totally okay! I’ve been writing SEO blog content for years and am happy to help you.