How Often Should I Blog? Stats and Blog Scheduling Tips

person typing on laptop

How often you blog depends on various factors, including your website authority, niche, and goals. In this article, we’ll discuss what to consider when determining the best blog frequency for your website and how to create and prioritize your blogging schedule.

Most bloggers publish one to four blog posts monthly to optimize their website for search engine optimization (SEO) and reach their target audience. Full-time bloggers usually publish more often – at least once per week. No matter your goals, there are many advantages to blogging at least once per month for your website.

Best Blogging Frequency: Factors to Consider

Blogging isn’t one-size-fits-all, so you need to consider the following aspects of your business and blog to decide what frequency is best for you.

Domain authority

Your domain authority is the search engine ranking score that determines the likeliness of ranking on the search engine results pages (SERPs). 

Domain authority scores range from one to 100. The higher yours is, the better. That said, 30+ is usually considered good to great, but you’ll want to compare it to your competition for the most accurate idea of how you’re doing.

Moz Domain Authority Checker

While many factors determine your domain authority score, the number of backlinks you have and how SEO-friendly your website is are most important. So if your domain authority is over 50, you might not need to publish as many blog articles as you would with a lower score.

I also like to use Keysearch’s domain strength tool. It gives your website a score from 1-10 and provides helpful information about the score, including where your backlinks are coming from, your competitors, and keywords you’re ranking for. Try Keysearch free for seven days.


Your niche is your brand’s focus. For example, I specialize in website SEO, and that’s my niche. If you sell clean skincare products, that’s your niche.

If your niche is competitive, with other brands already ranking on Google, blogging more often can help you increase your chances of standing out on Google.

However, it’s easier to rank if your niche is less common or very specific, so you might not have to blog as much. If your niche isn’t common, there may not be many relevant keywords to rank for, so you’ll have to get creative on identifying topics and keywords your target audience is searching Google for. Audience polls are an excellent way to do this.

I write blog articles for Oakwell Beer Spa, a beer-inspired spa in Denver. Their niche is unique, so they rank high for search terms like “beer spa” and “beer bath.” They also rank for high-traffic keywords like “unique spa treatments” and “Denver date ideas” because they’ve prioritized content marketing.


What are your business goals? What are your blogging goals? Consider these questions to help you decide how high blogging is on your priority list. 

If you’re blogging for your business, consider what other marketing strategies you’re using. If you want blogging to be your top marketing strategy, you need to do it more often. If you blog solely to keep your website relevant while using other tools to reach your target audience, you can blog less frequently.

If blogging is your only marketing strategy or it’s your main source of income because you’re a full-time blogger, you may need to blog more often (e.g., daily or weekly).

Bandwidth or budget

To be successful with blogging, you must be practical with your time or budget. If you plan to write your own blog articles, consider how much time you can reasonably spend on blogging. If you want to outsource blogging, assess your budget.

On average, it takes just under four hours to write one blog post, but it could take a bit less or longer, depending on the topic and how knowledgeable you are about it. I set aside two or three mornings per week to work on my blog, giving me time to publish or update four monthly blog articles. Evaluate your schedule and see where you can fit in time for blogging. Use this to determine how often you can blog.

If you want to hire a writer to blog for you, consider your budget. A professional and reliable SEO blog writer typically charges at least $200 per article. If you’re interested in hiring done-for-you blogging support, contact me, and I can share my services and pricing guide.

Blog Scheduling Tips

When deciding how often to blog and how you’ll make time for it, remember quality over quantity. You don’t want to rush to get an article published because well-written, helpful, and SEO-friendly blogs are what drive results.

Use the tips below to help you create and stick to a blog schedule that works for you.

Create a reasonable schedule

One of the most common roadblocks people face with blogging is time. If you leave it up to chance, you won’t find time for blogging, so a schedule is necessary. 

If you feel like you don’t have time for blogging, see where you can take time from. For me, this was stopping Instagram for business because it drained my time and energy. Then, I created a schedule for my morning tasks to include time for blogging.

I have this content planning template in my SEO Blogging Course and Toolbox to help you create a blog schedule:

Content Planning Template

Your blogging schedule depends on your daily priorities and other obligations. It might be better for you to blog in the evenings at the end of your day or at a cafe every Saturday morning. That said, if blogging is your primary job and source of income, you need to make time for blogging daily.

Create a schedule that works for you, and try to stick with it for three months. Then, re-evaluate, which I’ll discuss more below.

Prioritize blogging

For the first few years of my business, I often pushed blogging to the bottom of my to-do list. I prioritized client work over my own blog. You might not prioritize blogging because of other responsibilities or because you don’t see quick results. 

There will always be other important tasks, but you must prioritize blogging if you want to use it as a sustainable marketing strategy. Treat it like a necessary obligation, and you’ll see the results. 

Although it can take up to a year to generate organic traffic and strong leads through consistent blogging, stay motivated. The effort and patience are worth it if you plan to have a successful business for years to come.

Re-evaluate your schedule

After you’ve stuck to your original blogging schedule for a few months, re-evaluate to identify your progress and decide if it’s working for you.

When you’re re-evaluating your schedule, you’ll want to consider your:

  • Results - Has your organic website traffic increased? If not, you might need to invest more time into improving your SEO and/or continue your current blog posting frequency until you start seeing traction. You can see your results using Google Search Console and your website’s analytics.

  • Schedule - Has your schedule changed? Do you have different obligations? You may need to re-work your blog schedule to manage other responsibilities, too.

  • Goals - Are your goals still the same as when you originally created your blog schedule and frequency? If not, you can revamp your schedule to fit your current goals.

  • Budget - If your blog or other marketing strategies have helped you increase your income, you might have a larger budget to hire help for your blog.

How often should I blog? Conclusion

I hope this article has helped you determine how often you should blog. A good rule of thumb is to publish two or more blog articles monthly, depending on your domain authority, niche, goals, and bandwidth or budget.

If you’re ready to show up on Google and connect with your target audience, I’d love to help! I offer done-for-you, done-with-you, and DIY blogging support. Contact me to inquire and request my services and pricing guide.

Polly Clover

Polly is an SEO writer and consultant living in St. Croix, US Virgin Islands.

Since 2019, Polly has worked with about two hundred brands to rank on Google and increase website traffic. Polly loves working with businesses that inspire the good things in life – wellness, travel, entrepreneurship, and financial freedom.

Not only does she write blogs for her clients, but she also enjoys writing articles for her blog to help business owners learn more about marketing and how to reach their business goals.

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