Business Manifestation: 7 Science-Backed Tips That Work
If you’re hoping to grow an enjoyable and sustainable business, manifestation practices can be incredibly beneficial. In this article, I’ll discuss science-backed business manifestation tips that have helped me overcome limiting beliefs and grow a successful business.
I started my writing business in 2019 and have tried many strategies to reach my goals. I’ve also been researching manifestation for a couple of years. Below, we’ll explore how to manifest a business that brings you fulfillment.
The Science Behind Manifestation
According to Brindus Vanta, MD, DHMHS, manifestation is bringing ideas to life by removing limiting beliefs and negative thought patterns. This can help you change your thoughts and emotions to manifest new realities. When you replace limiting beliefs, thoughts, and actions with positive ones, you make it possible to achieve your goals.
During my manifestation work over the last few years, I’ve also learned a lot about shifting to positive thoughts and actions to rewire your brain and regulate your nervous system.
If you’ve ever dealt with stress, anxiety, or overthinking, you know it can feel nearly impossible to work towards your goals. I’ll share more on rewiring your brain and regulating your nervous system to manifest business success below.
How do you manifest business success?
Business manifestation requires you to shift your thinking and create habits that help you meet your goal(s), including identifying your subconscious desires, visualizing, and taking action.
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1. Get clear on what you want to manifest
To manifest something, you have to know what your subconscious really wants. We often think we know what we want based on societal norms or conversations with loved ones. For example, you may want to sell a specific high-value service or product to earn seven figures, but your subconscious is overwhelmed by this and feels more comfortable with a different offer.
Give yourself space to sit with your subconscious and decide what you really want. To do this, find a quiet space, play calming music for five to ten minutes, and close your eyes. Consider important details surrounding goals and dreams, including what you want from and out of your business.
Use these questions to guide you:
What kind of business am I starting or growing?
What problem(s) do I want to help people solve?
How can I help them solve those problems? (your offers)
What do I want from my business? (more money, lifestyle flexibility, etc.)
You might have to sit with these questions for a bit. Maybe you connect best with yourself in nature, while taking a bath, or when lying in bed on a Saturday morning.
Spend up to a few days getting clear on your goals. You can always revisit this later if you need to pivot.
2. Identify specific and measurable goals
To get started on manifesting business success, you need to set goals.
Choose one short-term and long-term goal for your business. Too many goals can become overwhelming and make it difficult to know which tasks to prioritize. Studies show if you write your goals down, you’re more likely to meet them.
Example goals include:
I want to launch my business with these specific offers
I want to create a new offer
I want to earn $5,000 per month
I want to work four days per week and have three personal days
Give your goals a timeline so you know what date you want to manifest them by.
3. Practice visualization
Visualizing isn’t only about imagining the end results, which is what many people do. It’s about visualizing the process. Instead of daydreaming about your bank account showing a specific dollar amount or you on your dream vacation, you must imagine the steps it takes to get there, otherwise known as visualization.
Brain imaging research shows that when you visualize an action taking place, you can activate and strengthen the part of your brain involved during real-life execution, which can improve your performance in reaching your goal(s). For example, if you want to make 50 sales this quarter, imagine the actions you need to take to make those sales.
Mel Robbins is a podcast host, author, and motivational speaker who has extensively researched visualization and manifestation. In this video, she discusses visualizing the steps and actions you’ll take along the way.
“All that hard and annoying and tedious stuff that you gotta do that you don’t feel like doing in order to make that thing a reality; that’s what you’re going to put on the vision board.”
4. Take the actions
During visualization, you imagine yourself taking specific actions to manifest your goals for business success. Now, it’s time to perform those actions in real life.
The visualization activity makes this easier because when you imagine yourself doing something, it directly activates the motor cortex. Visualizing helps you remember and rehearse the actions, making it easier to follow through. By imagining the actions you need to take to meet your goals for business success and actually doing those, the actions become more automatic.
For example, if manifesting business success means you sell enough to earn $10k monthly, you might plan to spend one hour on marketing tasks each day, attend two networking events per month, and work in your business for 25 hours per week. To make this happen more naturally, imagine yourself doing these tasks, then take the first step to do it.
5. Believe in yourself
Self-confidence is associated with entrepreneurial success. When you’re on your business manifestation journey, challenges are inevitable. Believing in yourself is key to overcoming roadblocks.
Neicy Nash, an American actor and TV host, was nominated for five Emmys before winning one. After her powerful acceptance speech, she said something even more influential, “it’s not called them-esteem, and mamma-esteem, and us-esteem.” She goes on to talk about self-esteem being about how no one but you has to believe it.
No path to business success is linear. It’s necessary to believe you can create the business meant for you, even if it takes a lot of time and effort.
6. Regulate your nervous system
Your nervous system – brain, spinal cord, and nerves – plays a role in everything you do and sends messages between your brain and body parts. It helps you perform tasks, controls how you respond to situations, and supports other processes like thoughts and memory.
Naturally, business success can be difficult if your nervous system isn't regulated. Stress and trauma can cause nervous system dysregulation, so it's vital to overcome this and take action to re-regulate your nervous system.
According to Jennice Vilhauer, Ph.D., the following can help regulate your nervous system:
Meditation - While guided meditations with people talking can be helpful, listening to calming music can be more soothing as it doesn’t require you to activate the brain as much
Breathwork - The “4-7-8” method works well: breathe in for four seconds, hold your breath for seven seconds, and exhale for eight seconds. Practicing this for five minutes daily can train your parasympathetic nervous system to respond more calmly to stressful situations, which often arise in business.
Good sleep hygiene - Try to get seven to eight hours of sleep per night. Improve your sleep by cutting out or reducing caffeine and alcohol, unwinding 30 minutes before bed without any electronics, and cooling your room down for bedtime.
Nutrition - Research shows the gut microbiome affects the neurotransmitters in your brain, which impacts your nervous system. A nutritious diet with vegetables, fruits, nuts, whole grains, dairy, poultry, eggs, and seafood can significantly improve your well-being, which is necessary for having the best mindset to work towards your goals.
Gentle exercise - Even with gentle exercises like walking and yoga, physical movement releases endorphins for calmness, allowing you the productivity to work on business manifestation tasks.
In my personal experience, all of these have positively impacted my overall well-being to help me manifest business success. Positive affirmations and getting outdoors are also helpful in boosting calmness and motivation.
7. Invest in your business
Whether it’s time, money, or both, you must invest in your business if you want it to be successful.
Social media has given us the idea that manifesting business success requires little effort. Content about working two-hour days and earning 10k per week bombards our feeds, but this simply isn’t realistic.
Only 19% of entrepreneurs work less than 40 hours per week. And 24% of small business owners outsource to increase efficiency. You may need to spend money on other business resources, like marketing and professional services, to meet your goals.
Over time, you’ll likely find systems that work to decrease time and financial investments.
What if business manifestation doesn’t work?
Although there’s a lot of evidence that setting goals, visualizing, and taking appropriate actions can lead to manifestation, there isn’t any scientific evidence that supports the law of attraction.
When we want to manifest something, we often have an end goal in mind. It’s human nature to feel disappointed if what you envision and work towards doesn’t come to fruition. However, remember that your desires might differ from your subconscious wants and needs.
Emma Halley, a spiritual wellness coach who works with manifestation, says this can lead to negative experiences, like toxic positivity or feeling hopeless. To avoid this, she recommends the following:
Feel and validate whatever feelings arise (e.g., disappointment, sadness, fear, etc.)
Practice gratitude to boost your mood
Be compassionate towards yourself
Create an intention for how you want to move forward
Most importantly, even if your dream business doesn't become a reality in the time or way you hope for, it doesn't mean it never will. Some of the most successful people, including Oprah Winfrey and Walt Disney, faced many hurdles on their journey to success.
Business Manifestation: Conclusion
Business success differs for everyone, but I hope this article was inspiring and helpful. Although manifesting a successful business is often a long journey, it's well worth setting goals and creating a plan that works for you.
Getting started is the first step.